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Turkish Kakasha Hazelnut Smiley Sandwich Biscuits
Turkish Kakasha Hazelnut Smiley Sandwich Biscuits
Turkish kakasha is famous for producing biscuits, and it is very popular all over the world. It is a must-have souvenir when you go to Turkey. This biscuit has a unique shape, and the taste of hazelnut and the crispness of the biscuit blend perfectly.
Swiss Kambly Cookies
Swiss Kambly Cookies
Kambly is Switzerland's most famous national treasure biscuit brand. It is a family business with a history of more than 100 years. It has grown up with almost every Swiss and has become one of the symbols of Switzerland and is very popular all over the world. Campbell has more than 100 kinds of biscuits and desserts, with different flavors, sweet, salty, coconut, chocolate, cheese
Belgian Lotus Caramel Cookies
Belgian Lotus Caramel Cookies
The perfect companion for coffee, using pure natural ingredients and a strict ratio of caramel, is one of the specialties of Belgium.
French LU Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies
French LU Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies
French specialty biscuit brand, crisp biscuit with European specialty chocolate, endless aftertaste.
Japan red hat cookies
Japan red hat cookies
There are seven kinds of gift boxes to choose from, all of which are packaged in iron boxes. Each iron box has a noble girl wearing a hat. Open the iron box, and inside are biscuits of different shapes and individually wrapped, most of them are cookies and eggs Rolls or something, crispy and delicious, people always feel that a box is too small. The price is a bit expensive
Hong Kong Jenny Cookies
Hong Kong Jenny Cookies
Cookies that you always have to line up to buy are super popular in the shopping circle. The biscuits have a super rich milky fragrance, which will be unforgettable for a long time.
British Fortum&Mason Cookies
British Fortum&Mason Cookies
This is biscuit is for the British royal family, you can feel the deep aristocratic atmosphere from the biscuit box, the fresh green and the chocolate color, the biscuit box is also so elegant. A variety of flavors can be selected, the milky fragrance is rich, and it is accompanied by the aroma of flowers. It tastes elegant
Japan white lover
Japan white lover
The crunchy biscuits and the creamy cream filling are sweet and inviting. It feels like love. It is one of the must-buy souvenirs when you go to Japan. But I think it's a bit too sweet.