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Itally Locker wafer biscuits
Itally Locker wafer biscuits
Japan YOKU MOKU handmade biscuits
Japan YOKU MOKU handmade biscuits
The noble among the Japanese biscuits, handmade, especially crispy, so delicious that you can't stop.
Holland JODENKOEKEN Butter Cookies
Holland JODENKOEKEN Butter Cookies
There are 20 cookies in each beautiful cookie jar. Whether it is with coffee or just as a snack, it is a very good choice. Many Dutch people call it "the most delicious biscuit since 1883." The jar is also good as a storage tank after eating.
Korea Lotte Strawberry Chocolate Bar
Korea Lotte Strawberry Chocolate Bar
This strawberry-flavored chocolate bar has a strong strawberry fragrance and sweet chocolate. It is eaten in one bite. The sweetness has the crispness of a biscuit. It is easy to carry in a separate small package.
Soft & Chewy
Soft & Chewy
Soft biscuits represented by chocolate chip cookies and classic sugar cookies usually have slightly crisp edges, which can best achieve a balanced taste. This category is also the most representative of American cookies in my opinion. In addition, another representative in this category I think there are macarons. Although the methods and materials are completely different from American biscuits, what they are looking for is a soft texture on the outside and a bit of toughness.
Thin French Tuile (Tuile), Olive Oil Cracker (Olive Oil Cracker), as well as the "Fortune Cookie" common in Chinese restaurants in Chinatown abroad. There are interpretations placed inside the hollow of the curved biscuits. Small notes of fortune) belong to this category.
Rich & Dense
Rich & Dense
Although I personally prefer to classify brownies as a type of cake, in fact brownies belong to Cookie Bar in US, and the similar ones are Lemon Bar and Blondie (similar to Brownie) ). Dense and moist is the biggest feature of this type of biscuits.
Crumbly and crunchy tastes are fundamentally different. When you bite it down, it's like sand crushed with a hand, and then it spreads out in an instant. Butter cookies and Scottish shortbread (Shortbread) are representatives of this type of biscuits. Specific to each recipe may present different crisps, some are more fluffy