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Itally Locker wafer biscuits
Itally Locker wafer biscuits
The beauty in the wafer biscuit world, contains 74% cream filling, sweet but not greasy, no coloring, an iconic snack in Italy. This is really a must-eat, and my favorite is the taste of dark chocolate.
Japan YOKU MOKU handmade biscuits
Japan YOKU MOKU handmade biscuits
The noble among the Japanese biscuits, handmade, especially crispy, so delicious that you can't stop.
Holland JODENKOEKEN Butter Cookies
Holland JODENKOEKEN Butter Cookies
There are 20 cookies in each beautiful cookie jar. Whether it is with coffee or just as a snack, it is a very good choice. Many Dutch people call it "the most delicious biscuit since 1883." The jar is also good as a storage tank after eating.
Korea Lotte Strawberry Chocolate Bar
Korea Lotte Strawberry Chocolate Bar
This strawberry-flavored chocolate bar has a strong strawberry fragrance and sweet chocolate. It is eaten in one bite. The sweetness has the crispness of a biscuit. It is easy to carry in a separate small package.
Korea Jiu Ri Brand Coconut Cocoa Biscuits
Korea Jiu Ri Brand Coconut Cocoa Biscuits
The strong coconut flavor and sweet cocoa blend together, mixing into a golden yellow color that looks super appetizing, thin slices, easy to eat, crispy, and sweet aftertaste
La glace Danish Cookies
La glace Danish Cookies
The Danish people also lined up to buy Danish cookies. The milk flavor is rich and there are 5 flavors to choose from. Beat Danish blue tin cookies every minute!
Korea Orion High Smile Biscuit
Korea Orion High Smile Biscuit
Don't miss this one if you like pancakes. The crispy pancakes are sprinkled with fragrant sesame seeds, and the crispy flavor of the biscuits is integrated with the sweetness of sesame, and you will eat a lot if you are not careful.
Korean Kerian Hazelnut Cream Sandwich Biscuits
Korean Kerian Hazelnut Cream Sandwich Biscuits
One of the most popular biscuits in Korea. The fresh creamy flavor and the nutty flavor of hazelnuts are cleverly blended together, coupled with a crisp biscuit shell, each is individually packaged, and one or two small bags are placed in the bag every day. , It’s good to eat at afternoon tea.